I need to work on this...

I need to stop missing my daily posts... I need to get better with this habit. I also need to start getting creative with the content. Currently, this is merely my own rants and raves, essential a journal of simple thoughts of the day being put to the internet, ultimately of very little value to an audience... I need to start produce more interesting and entertaining content for a future audience to consume. Until then...

I've had more thoughts on rube goldberg machine ideas and even purchased several pyrotechnic type items to help in the construction of such devices. I have several ideas for individual pieces of the puzzle but I need more, and I need to connect all of them, and determine how to film it all. But more on that later, for now, I'm off to a wedding. 

Good day, indeed...

In case you (yes, you) haven't noticed by now, I have made it my pattern to have my post titles trail off with an ellipsis ("..."). That occurred purely by accident, I just happen to type that way a lot when I am texting people informally and after the first few posts I decided to make it stick, to make it my "thing" as it were. But, I digress... Today was a great day, actually it wasn't that spectacular by any means, but this evening I was inspired again with a direction to take with the rube goldberg machine idea from yesterday. I still would like to pursue making a machine/robot that will play instruments in some way, I even had an idea to then have you, the internet, control it in a "Twitch Plays Pokemon" sort of way. I also had an idea for sumo bots and battle bots done in the same way; but, again, I digress. My primary inspiration today for my first rube goldberg type machine would be a sort of domino trail, but with burning and falling matches and fuses, because how else can you make a rube goldberg machine, or domino maze, better? With FIRE of course!! Now that I have experienced my inspiration, prepared my healthy lunch for tomorrow, and divulged my thoughts into my daily post it is time for bed.

Good day sir... I said good day!

Almost forgot...

I almost forgot to write a post!! Thank God for remembering just before falling asleep! I need to keep this going in order for it to become a habit, second nature for me. Today I saw John again, and joked around with him about his mattress idea. I was inspired by a video I watched yesterday of a sort of rube goldberg-esc marble maze that used magnetic marbles to create crazy launchers, bridges and swings. It made we want to create similar contraptions. Today I tried to think of ways to make it produce music. I happened upon a video of a musician/inventor who created a hand cranked machine that used marbles to hit a xylophone, drums, symbols, and even a bass guitar. Perhaps that is something I could get into to exercise and show off my talents as an engineer as well as help grow fans/followers/views. Something to ponder upon tonight and pursue further tomorrow... 

Healthy habits...

Habits can be difficult to form, and difficult to break. Today I worked towards breaking some of my bad habits, and form some healthy ones. I am continuing to write in this blog daily. Though 3 days in a row is not any cause for celebration, I am proud that I have kept the pace (and now am posting twice today!). Every step forward is an accomplishment for me in this endeavor. I have a terrible predisposition towards procrastination and a fear of failure that I have used as an excuse to give up on many pursuits. So everyday that I hustle and write in this is a step in the right direction for my success as an entrepreneur.

Today's success: 

  • Woke up before 6:00 am and did not go back to bed
  • Wrote 2 entries in this blog
  • Soaked in some knowledge from podcasts, reading some Entrepreneur magazine, and the "#AskGaryVee" book
  • Bought some healthy foods and prepared my meals for tomorrow

Today's areas of improvement:

  • Spent too much personal time after work being lazy and unproductive
  • Failed to complete many chores at home

Now it is time to head to bed, do some reading and fall asleep. Hopefully tomorrow I can continue towards forming healthy habits, and kick down a few unhealthy ones.

I said that I would do it...

And here I am! Writing a blog post just before 6:30 in the morning. Hopefully this is the beginning of better daily habits and not just a fluke morning. I do not have many observations to write about at this moment, but I am happy that I managed to get myself up before 6:00 AM, ate some breakfast, and listened to a news podcast to start my day. Now it's time to go shower and get off to my day job. 

Good day... I said good day, sir!

Keep the party going...

I almost failed my new endeavor right out of the gate. Day 2 of having a blog and writing in it every day and I nearly forgot. I had thought of it several times during the day, and even had it open already so that this post took very little effort to start once I realized that it had to be done. Luckily I remembered just before I fell asleep, and was logical enough to resist my laziness and not put it off until tomorrow. If I'm going to do this I need to really do this... I cannot have any excuses to not write something every day. There may be legitimate excuses for not being able to post every day, but I should not allow anything to prevent me from writing at least something that I observed. 

Today I suffered from an extreme case of lack of motivation. I managed to push through enough to get some cleaning done in my room, but the effort was surely lacking. Both of these go to show that my habits are outrageously unhealthy. So the process of change must begin now. Tomorrow I will wake up to my alarm at 5:40, I will feed the dogs their breakfast, then I will exercise some and listen to a news podcast or two and not allow myself to get back into bed. I will also pull this up to write a post in morning to get myself doing something. Perhaps I will write a poem or short story to get the creative juices flowing again, the specifics I cannot be sure of yet, but I will post something in the morning to prove to myself that I am not a failure...

Until then, goodnight...

Gotta Start Somewhere...

Earlier this week I listened to a podcast from Entreleadership featuring a guest speaking, Gary Vee. He said that an entrepreneur needs to have a blog and write in it every day in order to get in the habit of writing out your ideas and observations down, even if no one ever reads it. I honestly don't remember everything that he said at the moment, I'm going to go back to that podcast and re-listen to it. But for now I am just going to write a little about today and then call it just that, a day. Today I ate lunch with my friends Shawn and John, and John was talking about being too tall for most beds, and had the idea for a modular type bed that you could add to as needed if you grow or need to share your bed ;). We also discussed firing guns in space, and explosions, and manly stuff like that. I guess that's it for today. 

I have now created a blog