Healthy habits...

Habits can be difficult to form, and difficult to break. Today I worked towards breaking some of my bad habits, and form some healthy ones. I am continuing to write in this blog daily. Though 3 days in a row is not any cause for celebration, I am proud that I have kept the pace (and now am posting twice today!). Every step forward is an accomplishment for me in this endeavor. I have a terrible predisposition towards procrastination and a fear of failure that I have used as an excuse to give up on many pursuits. So everyday that I hustle and write in this is a step in the right direction for my success as an entrepreneur.

Today's success: 

  • Woke up before 6:00 am and did not go back to bed
  • Wrote 2 entries in this blog
  • Soaked in some knowledge from podcasts, reading some Entrepreneur magazine, and the "#AskGaryVee" book
  • Bought some healthy foods and prepared my meals for tomorrow

Today's areas of improvement:

  • Spent too much personal time after work being lazy and unproductive
  • Failed to complete many chores at home

Now it is time to head to bed, do some reading and fall asleep. Hopefully tomorrow I can continue towards forming healthy habits, and kick down a few unhealthy ones.